Monday, June 10, 2013

Monday Mantra

"Always remember you have within you the strength, the patience, 
and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world"

I use to carry a Louie Vuitton travel bag with me while I was going back and forth to Atlanta spending time with my declining mother.  

It was a very very dark period in my life.  I was suffocating.  Trapped.  Scared.  I found myself financially, emotionally and spiritually broke.  

I had gone tough a few years of chronic loss and I began to feel hopeless.  I did not see anyone around me who offered a light in what had become a dark tunnel.  I began a search for people who against all odds, without a life raft changed the course of their lives and others.  

I needed to carry hope with me and that was the ideas to create the Tombstone Collection.  The first handbag I had ever made or considered making.  In my own snarky way I thought why carry a logo? why not carry something equally beautiful, sophisticated but with a beautiful message.   Make words into the logo, into a pattern that read up close provoked new thoughts and ideas. 

Well, there are so many people that made me rethink my perspective but one of the people who stirred awe in me and began a return to light was Harriet Tubman.   Unlike me she literally was trapped.  Uneducated. A  slave.   If she could save herself and so many others I could.  We all could because none of us are getting out of here alive. 


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