Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Ben Franklin

Ben Franklin is a endless source of entertainment and fascination to me.  Did you know that he was his father's 15th child and his formal schooling ended when he was 10.  I am 100 percent sure that neither his parents nor his teachers were paving the way to his future.  He reminds me that against all odds, people can create greatness.  

Yes, we all know about his part in moving the American Revolution forward while he ran a print shop, wrote, devised the U.S. postal system and started America's first lending library but did you know in his spare time he was an inventor?

Here are some of my favorites BF inventions. 
1.   Library Step Stool 
2.   Rocking Chair 
3.   Odometer 
4.   Whale oil candles 
5.   A pulley system that allowed him to lock and unlock his bedroom door from his bed...I think of this as the first remote control.
6.   Bifocals 
7.   Lightening rod
8.   Franklin Stove
9.   Flexible Urinary catheter 
10. My top 10 list favorite Swim Fins! 

What do I see when I look at this list?  A man who liked comfort, efficiency and loved to see!  
When I thought about who to quote on our tombstone bags Ben Franklin was the first to come to mind.  

I find him a endless source of inspiration. I hope you do as well. 



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