Thursday, May 9, 2013

Mother's Day

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness.  You have to catch it."  - - Benjamin Franklin

I love this quote because being a mom is one avenue through which I have pursued happiness with a vengeance.  Previously I went through a snarky period where I mocked what I called "Hallmark" holidays like Mother’s Day.  Now I embrace them, or as Benjamin Franklin advises, I catch them.  Why the change?  Because in between life's hard bookends, birth and death, there are often too many dark moments that can engulf our journey.  To mock an opportunity to celebrate and cheer the good and joy in life is downright wasteful.  

Personally for many of us Mother’s Day is bittersweet.  The sweet part is that I have four amazing children and I am truly honored to be their mom and to share many precious moments of life with them.  The bitter part for me is that my own mother passed away three years ago and this holiday reminds me that I cannot share with her the joy of her grandkids or thank her for all that she gave me.  However, if I can keep feeling blessed and looking at what I have in life - my kids – then that is a way to transform the bitter into sweet. 

I believe that feeling loved and being able to love are two of life's greatest gifts and that living in the USA and having the right to pursue happiness is so many forms, is just.....WOW!  But, love and happiness sometimes need flashlights shone upon them.  Our traditions and our celebrations are one way of keeping us focused on all the good.  That is why it’s important to "Stop,” catch the moment to share and experience with a full heart the opportunities (no matter how "hallmarkish" they may appear) to celebrate each other and catch happiness by the tail. 

We all know mothers or have a mother in our life.  This is a great moment to celebrate them for all their sacrifices and hard work…and send some happiness their way. 

Happy Mother's Day to moms everywhere!


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