Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Twain with a Twain (Tombstone Tote)

"Apparently there is nothing that cannot happen today."  
- - Mark Twain

If you know me at all, you’ll know that Mark Twain inspires me to the nth degree!  I admire his life, his writings, his style – not everyone can pull off that mustache.

Mulling over this quote, I am sure now that Twain was talking about unexpected joy, change and growth, the kind I’ve experienced first-hand since starting my company three years ago.  With the launch of this blog today, I believe I’ve come full-circle from that terrifying moment when I decided to start (of all things) a handbag and jewelry business.  Not sure how the planets had aligned back then to coerce me into the fashion industry but it happened and my life hasn’t been the same since that moment.

Back then, my mental default position was that "anything that could happen" was scary and fearful because to me the unexpected meant tragedy.  Random acts equated to violence, not random acts of kindness.  I used to brace myself for some kind of "hit" that unexpectedly would run into, and ruin, my life.  

As I struggled over the years to unhinge myself from this fatalistic line of thinking, I’ve realized that this is a tragic way to view the world and exactly the opposite of what Twain meant – wake up every day and embrace that day thinking that anything can happen, that the world is full of wondrous possibility still unknown.

Running Heather Belle Co. affords me the opportunity to face each day with so much still unknown yet full of promise and potential.  I pledge to do my best to harness that potential and turn it into something truly promising. 

So on this day which signals a fresh start, I choose to say "YES" to living in faith that great things will show up and "NO" to the fear that they won’t.  I invite you to join me on the journey!  


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